Yarr. Your crew has been digging for months but can't find any treasure on this little island you've all been marooned on. Now that your ship is up to scratch again, it's time to go hunting like any pirate would. Take out the passing trader vessels, grab the chests they drop and get the goods back to your island to grow yer haul, but look out - other pirates out there are after your loot.

WAD: Control your ship (it can't go backwards!)
Space: Fire forward cannon
Q: Fire port (left) cannons
E: Fire starboard (right) cannons

Use the arrows to decide where to go.
Green: Home island
Blue: Transport ship carrying goods
Red: Pirate ship out to get you

Stash as much loot as you can before you get sunk!

Made for Kenney Jam 2022 with assets from https://kenney.nl/. The theme was Growth.

I overscoped this project and ran out of time! I thought I should at least try to get something in on time, but a lot of this isn't as polished as I would like it to be. Sorry about that.

Island shanty music shamelessly ripped from Sid Meier's Pirates because I couldn't find any free-use pirate shanties within the deadline.


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Straightforward but satisfying! I liked the sound effects, and I enjoyed the combat. Getting something scoped properly is always difficult -- good on you for delivering a playable game by the deadline! 


For lacking polish, this wasn't too bad. It has pirates, so there's some free points. I did have more fun fighting the other pirates than sinking the transports though, and I'm not sure how this fits the theme. But hey, for a game that was overscoped you managed to get something playable out.

Thanks - the relation to the theme is that you're "growing" your stash of gold, I know it's a pretty loose interpretation though.